The Chakras

  • Course language: German

  • 8 classes of 75 minutes each

  • Selected yoga and breathing exercises for each energy center

  • Basic knowledge of the chakras & reflection questions for integration into everyday life

  • Available anytime & anywhere

  • Suitable for all levels

Price: 79.- Euro


Get your energy flowing

This course is all about energy.

Together, we explore our body's 7 main energy centers (=chakra) with selected yoga postures and breathing exercises. You will get an insight into the yoga philosophy and can experience it directly on your own body.

Each class is dedicated to one energy center. We start with the root chakra, physically anchored at the bottom of the spine, and work our way up along the body's center axis to the crown chakra. We release physical tensions & blockages, create new pathways & spaces, and thus get life energy flowing. Furthermore, we learn to sharpen our perception and open up to more subtle levels of consciousness. The last unit summarizes all contents, once again, in a compact way.

You will have access to 8x 75-minute classes and a summary of the theoretical basics in written form. You can also download the yoga classes as audio files and repeat them anytime.


What my clients say

"Dear Imme, I really enjoyed the weekly yoga routine with you! Diving down once a week, with the focus on myself, gave me a lot of pleasure."

- Johanna (33)


"I have learnt a lot about chakras in the last 8 weeks - a complete new topic for me. Now, I will actively incorporate this into my life and remember it when energetic blockages occur."

- Julia (38)


"A colorful workshop as a great introduction to the world of the chakras. I especially enjoyed the combination of theoretical information and practical exercises."

Finja (31)


"Imme has a special gift for combining practice and theory in the yoga class and for teaching individual movements in a very empathetic way. In her yoga class I was able to understand for the first time how the movements are built up."

- Inga (42)



What you get

  • Course language: German

  • 8 classes of 75 minutes each

  • Selected yoga and breathing exercises for each energy center

  • Basic knowledge of the chakras & reflection questions for integration into everyday life

  • Available anytime & anywhere

  • Suitable for all levels

Price: 79.- Euro