New Website: Coaching, Yoga & Consulting for your true potential

A reflection of my true potential

“Update my website” was one of my goals for 2023. My ambition was to have it done by the end of the first quarter. I did not fully realize what it would entail when I was setting this goal. Today is July 7, and I’m launching my new website. It took longer than expected, yes. And it’s okay. It’s okay because the result goes far beyond my expectations. My new website is not just an “update”; it’s a comprehensive rebranding of who I am and what I am here for. Let me share my key insights along the way.


I felt that my old website displayed only a part of me - the girl who had just started her own business and dreamed of a life close to the sea. My coaching, yoga, and consulting offer was already outlined but not explored in detail. With the website update, I aimed to incorporate the insights of my first two business years that helped me to sharpen my vision and concretize my offer. I reached out to my web designer, Sascha and initiated the process.


We kicked off the website relaunch project by setting the content and financial frame at the beginning of the year. During our first discussion, Sascha inspired me to develop a logo. Although I was skeptical initially, I gave it a shot and was amazed by the result. My new logo was the starting point for rethinking my website on a much broader level. From a simple “website update,” the project evolved into a journey to sharpen my identity. I asked myself, “Who am I?” and “What is my contribution to the world?”. I used journaling, creative writing, meditation, and mind-mapping tools. Most importantly, these questions worked inside of me and were omnipresent in every workshop I did or customer interaction I had. Paired with valuable discussions with my mentors, I collected more and more answers.

Another key ingredient in the design process was the pictures. We did a few photo shootings in our neighborhood. Sascha is an amazing photographer, and as he was also closely involved in refining my brand identity and building my website technically, he knew exactly what to shoot for. A good picture contains so much more information than any text, and seeing myself in his pictures was another great source of inspiration.



My initial target was to relaunch the website in the first quarter. I quickly had to realize that this was too ambitious. And still, I wanted to relaunch “as soon as possible.” I was excited to share the logo, the amazing pictures, and my refined offer with the world. At the same time, there was the reality of other projects with higher priority, retreats, and daily life. Initially, I was pushing Sascha a lot to get things done. By that time, I learned to acknowledge that re-branding needs time and space and cannot be accelerated by creating pressure. In the end, this learning also helped me give myself more space to embody and integrate the changes fully. Today, I go out into the world with full power.


I feel that the new website captures me as a whole. It unites my business with my yoga world, personal growth with my professional ambitions, and projects to date with my future offers. It makes me proud to see my journey, and the transformation I’ve been going through over the past years, and it encourages me to move on. I’m me - powerful and free.

THANK YOU to Sascha for seeing me, capturing me, and supporting me in this process. Whoever needs a website or a professional photo shoot, reach out to him, and you will receive an outcome far beyond your expectations.


Of course, I highly recommend you check out my website in detail, browse my offers, and reach out if you’re interested in working with me. I can support you in finding your true potential, stepping into your power, and sharing your unique gifts with the world. What are you waiting for?


New Online Classes: Let’s practice together


New Logo: I’m me is here